Chewie dropped it like it was hot the saturday before last and traffic spiked at one hundred times normal late last week, for a total of over 50.000 unique visits. Aside from worrying amounts of stat masturbation, I also took the opportunity to glean some insights into the referrers and visitors interested in everyone’s favorite furry.
Above is a look at how the traffic evolved in the week following publication (you can hover for some insight into the flow and weight of the referrers).
What’s noteworthy here is that some sites taper off immediately, The Daily What for instance, as the news item is quickly pushed off their frontpage, while others, like Kottke, have a fairly long lifetime. In fact, Kottke is one of the few sites that carried more traffic on the second day than on the first. One of the others is Reddit, which never exploded, but instead has an exceptionally long lifetime.
More interesting is the fact that because ambient traffic levels are usually quite low – or, atrophied; tomato, tomato – a surge for a single post tells us a lot about the nature of the visitors and their referrers. Especially when it’s a post which can either be read as a whole for the narrative or skimmed for the punchline.
Here the top 30 referrers (by volume), with the average time spent on site on the left of each site in a dark shade of that site’s color and the average number of pages visited on the right, in a lighter shade1.
Nice Data Vis
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