Saturday, April 24, 2010

This week in Twitter - (37signals)

This week in Twitter 37signals Apr 23

1 comment Latest by Pies

Highlights from this week’s 37signals staff posts at Twitter.

Jasonfried-avatar_normalIf someone doesn’t understand something maybe you aren’t explaining it well enough. @jasonfried

Jasonfried-avatar_normalCool is a detail, useful is a quality. @jasonfried

Avatar_normalCPU usage and load is not a good gauge of your infrastructure. Users just don’t care. What matters is the user experience. @j_m_williams

Jamis_icon_new_normalMy son came in 5th (out of 11) at his first pinewood derby. Good fun! Makes me want to build a track :) @jamis

Square_bw_avatar_normalI wish the iPad passcode could be immediate for intentional locking (pressing the button) and timed or disabled for auto-locking (sleep). @rjs

Jasonfried-avatar_normalBrevity respects the reader. @jasonfried

Jasonfried-avatar_normalSome letters from people who’ve read REWORK. Thanks everyone! @jasonfried

Profile_beach_normalAnother musical gem: Turkish Taksim Trio’s heartfelt simplicity through absolute mastery @jsierles
Screen_shot_2009-11-09_at_10It’s highly annoying when people use terms like “For me, personally”. I know it’s for you, personally because you keep saying “I”. @sh

Jasonfried-avatar_normalClever iPad split keyboard concept from @srobbin: @jasonfried

Jamis_icon_new_normalinteresting how the roman numerals for 1-8 sort numerically, as well as alphabetically. @jamis

Mosaic_normalMy thought process whenever someone gives me a Hotmail email address: “What is this, 2003?” @mattlinderman

Square_bw_avatar_normalThere’s lots to like about the UI on the Droid Incredible: Good to see competition for Apple. @rjs

Headshot64_normalDesktop keyboards should come with trackpads built in. Would love to get rid of my mouse. @dhh

Mugshot_normalThis is spot on: RT @mtnygard: New blog post: reality is usually messier than you think, especially regarding failover: @markimbriaco

Jasonfried-avatar_normalA recording of my interview on The American Entrepreneur radio show. Hosted by Ron Morris: @jasonfried

Square_bw_avatar_normalDoes anyone else still prefer email newsletters to RSS feeds? Nielsen’s Alertbox remains a great example: @rjs

Mosaic_normalWhen the people building a feature don’t actually use it, it’ll probably stink. (via @dhh) @mattlinderman

Linkedin_normalApple innovates, sells, innovates, sells, innovates, sells… PC manufacturers sell, sell, sell – then wonder why they don’t make any money. @kiranmaxweber

Square_bw_avatar_normalThe Sartorialist on inspiration in the abstract: @rjs

Posted via web from 27ray posterous

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