Monday, January 11, 2010

Move Your Money Project

This "Move Your Money" project webpage is a social responsibility contribution of, A UNIT OF LORD, WHALEN LLC (“LW”). This material does not constitute a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any securities or investments. The opinions expressed herein are based on publicly available information and are considered reliable. However, LW makes NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY SORT with respect to this report. Any person using this material does so solely at their own risk and LW and/or its employees shall be under no liability whatsoever in any respect thereof.

IRA has donated the list of banks and the screening tool used to search by zip code to the web site project. Users can search the list via zip code free of charge. IRA has a long standing policy of encouraging putting "good money in good banks" that is discussed on our web site at some length, so this is really more of the same for us. Responding to specific media inquiries, we do not pay commissions on any sales that may occur as a result of persons seeking information separately from us. We highly encourage consumers to avail themselves of information on the banking and finance system beyond just us.

Search notes:
1. This list presents small banks with IRA Bank Stress Index scores with a grade of B or better.
2. We try to localize the zip search as close to you as possible. This initially resulted in some empty lists. For areas with sparse populations of qualifying banks we have added an automatic broader area search.

Bankers please read the Banker Notes then contactIRA directly regarding information about your institution.

Government agencies and professional finance organizations please read the Government and Professional Notes then contactIRA directly regarding information about your institution.

Posted via web from 27ray posterous

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