Friday, May 21, 2010

Poll: Most Think Arizona Should be able to Pull the Plug on L.A.'s Power - LAist

I appreciate you taking the time to "take this".

My data on the reduced illegal immigration in the last couple years begins with A more comprehensive study might be found at with a Pew Center study on current immigration rates. I agree with you wholeheartedly that Bush was pro-immigration. He was a Texas Governor and was elected in Texas based partly on an immigration stance favorable to Hispanics. I never said nor promoted amnesty, which I don't think is a policy and is generally a slap in the face of anyone immigrating to the US legally. The distinctly nasty anti-immigrant tone in the US right now doesn't jive with the fact that there are less people endeavoring to cross the border illegally at the moment, so I wonder why now? Why not then? Where was the indignation?

The economy and having a handy scapegoat is the answer. The economy didn't hit the skids because too many illegal immigrants were going to the emergency room, it was because a bunch of people bought some really bad debt and got over their heads. Some really shortsighted people sold it to them. The entire anti-immigrant hoo-ha right now is fearmongering and distraction, for political gain. The pawns are the angry public and a bunch of poor people willing to do whatever it takes to improve their lives.

Pathetic, really.

Opening shots of Civil War 2.0?

Posted via web from 27ray posterous

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