Tuesday, August 31, 2010
May 21, Mu'ong Lay, Vietnam | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
I can still feel the mud of Vietnam between my toes. cool, slick soft. For the first time i felt my heels sink down into the ground.
Wait, what does your startup do?
Better than the illustration looks....
10 ways data is changing how we live - Telegraph
So if all this data starts to make us in to more rational actors does that lead us to define new social economic models, do the old Marist/socialist/capitalist "ideal" disappear in a frothy sea of bits and bytes?
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Your Brain on Computers - Digital Devices Deprive Brain of Needed Downtime
An internets friend of mine wants an internet off switch... maybe she is onto something.
HOME (English with subtitles)
It's been said before and will be said again but you should check this out.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
0 noms
Special Ramyun @ Mr. Ramyun, Angeles City, Philippines
Last spotted by Angelo Mendez 29 minutes ago from iPhone.
Yet another "hobby" gone all businessy and stuff.
Man fined for riding bike with BBQ attached
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Steven Cowley: Fusion is energy's future
2030. I will be in my 60's. Judging by the charts he put up we will be nearly out of every other kind of power, so maybe 2030 can't come soon enough.
4.0 Earthquake Rattles Off L.A. Basin Coast [Updated] - LAist
A 4.0 magnitude earthquake struck about 40 miles off the coast this evening. At 10:42 p.m., the quake rattled 39 miles south of Malibu and 40 miles west of Palos Verdes Point. It was located 32 miles northeast of San Nicolas Island, one of the five in Channel Islands National Park.![]()
via USGSVarious people, from as far as the Santa Clarita Valley, reported feeling it on the USGS' Did You Feel It webpage.
Last week scientists theorized that Southern California is overdue for a massive earthquake along the San Andreas fault. It is unknown what caused tonight's earthquake. Nonetheless, always a good time to get prepared.
[Update: A 6.1 earthquake struck off the coast of Mexico at 7:12 p.m.
This is not scientific but leading up to the North Ridge quake in '94 there were a series of mid to high 3 size earthquakes in the Santa Monica bay. Make sure your earthquake kits are stocked and up to date.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Kill or cure?
If any of these results seems incorrect, please report it using the link next to the article.
air pollution causes cancer #
alcohol both causes and prevents cancer #
- Who's at risk of breast cancer? [Incorrect?]
- Women would cut drinking to reduce cancer risk [Incorrect?]
- Drink a day increases breast cancer risk [Incorrect?]
- Binge drinking 'increases breast cancer risk' [Incorrect?]
- A drink a day increases risk of breast cancer [Incorrect?]
- Cancer alert: Don't eat, drink or tan too much [Incorrect?]
- Bowel cancer danger of just one glass of wine per day [Incorrect?]
- Shocking ignorance over cancer risks [Incorrect?]
- The cancer generation: how Britons' hedonistic lifestyles are taking a terrible toll [Incorrect?]
- Mouth cancer warning for binge drinkers [Incorrect?]
- Is anything safe to eat? Cancer report adds bacon, ham and drink to danger list [Incorrect?]
- Cancer: foods to avoid? [Incorrect?]
- Modern living to blame for cancer epidemic [Incorrect?]
- More than a third of cancer could be prevented by healthy lifestyle, say experts [Incorrect?]
- 80,000 cancer cases caused by diet [Incorrect?]
- 10 ways to prevent breast cancer [Incorrect?]
- Forty per cent jump in female drinking fuels rise in breast cancer [Incorrect?]
- Our lifestyles are killing us: Poor diets, drinking and lack of exercise blamed for 78,000 cancer cases a year [Incorrect?]
- Binge drinking causes mouth cancer surge [Incorrect?]
- Breast cancer factfile [Incorrect?]
- Ladettes in cancer warning [Incorrect?]
- Now middle-aged women are being targeted in anti-drink campaign [Incorrect?]
- Mouth cancer: ladettes blamed [Incorrect?]
- Meet Jack, who puffs his way through 10 cigars every day, enjoys a shot of whisky and is celebrating his 100th birthday [Incorrect?]
- SUZANNE MOORE: I'm sick of being told it's all our fault [Incorrect?]
- Brainy people have a higher chance of developing an alcohol problem, say scientists [Incorrect?]
- DEBORAH ROSS: Shock new study: We are ALL going to die! [Incorrect?]
- Cancer: the facts [Incorrect?]
- How safe are your favourite foods? [Incorrect?]
- Oliver's Artful Dodger dies [Incorrect?]
- So how good is wine for our health? [Incorrect?]
- Drink, drugs and obesity: Britain's girls top the list [Incorrect?]
- Drinking is blamed for soaring number of breast cancer cases [Incorrect?]
- Attacking breast cancer naturally [Incorrect?]
- Strawberry daiquiris can 'help fight cancer' [Incorrect?]
- Meet Jack, who puffs his way through 10 cigars every day, enjoys a shot of whisky and is celebrating his 100th birthday [Incorrect?]
allergies both cause and prevent cancer #
almonds prevent cancer #
anastrozole prevents cancer #
- Claims over new breast cancer drug [Incorrect?]
- Can NHS afford wonder cancer drug? [Incorrect?]
- New study to test breast cancer drug [Incorrect?]
antacids prevent cancer #
antibodies prevent cancer #
antioxidants prevent cancer #
apples prevent cancer #
- Apples cut risk of heart or cancer death [Incorrect?]
- How fruit helps a child grow up to beat cancer [Incorrect?]
- Apples fight heart disease, cancer and strokes [Incorrect?]
- Cloudy apple juice is clearly better for health [Incorrect?]
- Make sure these superfoods are on your new year menu [Incorrect?]
arimidex prevents cancer #
- Cancer doctors hail new 'wonder drug' [Incorrect?]
- Breast cancer drug 'is best for 20 years' [Incorrect?]
- New breast cancer drug beats Tamoxifen [Incorrect?]
artificial flavours cause cancer #
artificial light causes cancer #
- 'Artificial light increases breast cancer risk' [Incorrect?]
- Everything you need to know about cancer [Incorrect?]
- Cancer is linked to strip lighting [Incorrect?]
asbestos cause cancer #
- Asbestos in schools will kill pupils, warns teacher dying of lung cancer [Incorrect?]
- New drug to combat 'asbestos' cancer [Incorrect?]
- A deadly shortcut to school for youngest recorded victim of asbestos disease [Incorrect?]
- 120,000 more to die in a decade as legacy of asbestos reaches a peak [Incorrect?]
- Safety alert over best-selling crayons [Incorrect?]
- Hairdresser dies from asbestos after working in a salon for 33 years [Incorrect?]
- Britain's youngest Asbestos victim dies at 28: Did she contract it at school? [Incorrect?]
aspirin both causes and prevents cancer #
- Taking aspirin in your 40s 'cuts cancer risk' [Incorrect?]
- Will taking an aspirin a day cut the risk of breast cancer? [Incorrect?]
- Daily dose of aspirin 'may lower risk of breast cancer' [Incorrect?]
- Painkillers may cut risk of prostate cancer [Incorrect?]
- Aspirin may cut bowel cancer risk [Incorrect?]
- Aspirin 'can cut cancer risk' [Incorrect?]
- Aspirin may reduce cancer risk [Incorrect?]
- Aspirin to beat breast cancer [Incorrect?]
- An aspirin a day 'could keep breast cancer at bay' [Incorrect?]
- One aspirin a day 'can lower threat of bowel cancer' [Incorrect?]
- Aspirin in new cancer hope [Incorrect?]
- Aspirin could stave off cancer and help victims to survive [Incorrect?]
- Aspirin offers bowel cancer hope [Incorrect?]
- Aspirin may be the breakthrough in war on lung cancer [Incorrect?]
- Aspirin hope for breast cancer [Incorrect?]
- Can aspirin really work wonders? [Incorrect?]
- Is aspirin really a miracle cure? [Incorrect?]
avastin prevents cancer #
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Apple Patent Application Looks at Converting Video Game Play Into Comic Books - Mac Rumors
Is this MadLib's with better graphics? Semi-dynamic story telling? When i first saw god of war the "in game" cut scenes were the coolest part. This seems like an extension of this.