Thursday, December 18, 2008

only two shoes

I hope in the situation the shoe thrower found himself i would have the strength of conviction to act as he did.

that said part of the act are the consequences, a trail in a court of law and judgement by a group of his peers.

Still i applaud him and his actions, I am ashamed of my presidents actions and lack of remorse for his decisions.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

media sucks

John McCain makes a ridiculous statement, like he makes ridiculous VP selection and get s wall to wall coverage, I think it is because it is just so crazy people have to keep repeating it to try and understand that he really did say that. MY GOD THIS BLOWS

Money & Americans

here is the thing, Americans are fine with people making obscene amounts of money, what they are not okay with is when people take the risks to make that crazy amount of money, mess up and then ask for the rest of us to pay for their mistakes.

What do we get? What do those responsible lose? well the responsible among us get hight taxes, and we get to have these crazy stupid amounts of pay for theses error prone CEO and finical wizes wagged in our faces a little more.

this whole thing goes against the american idea of fairness.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

thinking about things

George W. Bush made a big push to "privatize our retirement savings (social security), and basically give wall street a HUGE cash infusion. Now we find out that there is Drastic emergency in the markets and we need to give them a huge cash infusion, for our own good.

Is this related?

and are we being set up? Were they hiding this from us until there was no other way than their way?

and if we give them this money who is to say is is not going to "get lost" like the BILLIONS that have been lost in Iraq?

This smells. This smells really really badly. We can not give them this money. period

Monday, September 22, 2008

The propionates of the free market system also are also the one who believe most in the "intelligent design" of life... the problem is not their beliefs, but the order they have them in...

they are correct evolution is true, and so is intelligent design... but one important caveat... humans came into existence amid the ultimate market forces, as a 'part of nature our markets exist because we choose for them too, we make the rules, we should design them intelligently since that is what separates humans from the animals we can not relate too.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


the tussle between writing off the majority of humans as stupid and small minded, and playing fair and going along with the the small minded people.Why should i slow down for them, why can't they speed up for me... I have no answer for this.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Women are not smart enough to vote

This is simple, women who are excited and "energized" by Palin only server to show that women have no control over their emotions and feelings (i.e. biology) and obviously by extension are not "smart enough" to be able to separate external appearances or internal biology and make ration decisions. These "people" and i use that term in the looses sense possible should have never been given the right to vote.

The saddest thing is that most people who read this will see this as hate speak, and not the sarcasm that it is.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Love and marriage

Obama may have trouble with his former church, but at least he is not married to Bill Clinton. Hillary must be kicking herself everytime he opens his mouth

ground rules

I guess it is the American way these days to take everything to the legal end, but it sure smacks me as childless and not accepting the reality of a situation and moving on.